It all begins with a story. Maybe you want to better engage with your clients. Maybe you want to build brand awareness. Or maybe you want to promote your products or services. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story on social media can make all the difference.

Stories are the threads that weave together the fabrics of our local and global communities. And social media has emerged as the stage where these stories often unfold, creating a profound impact on the way we search, share, shop, connect, and empathize.

Social media gives every brand a voice, a platform, and an audience. The owner of a small business in Charlotte, North Carolina, can now introduce their products to a potential customer in Alberta, Canada. A nonprofit organization in Dallas, Texas, can now share their vision with potential funders in Miami, Florida.

That is the power of social media. That is the power of stories.

When the two are combined, they can become a catalyst for positive change, a force to inspire powerful movements, and a spark to ignite purposeful conversations.

At wema creatives, we are fervent believers in the power of words… and photos, and music, and video, and art. Because each of these elements craft stories. Stories are all around us. Stories are us.

How are you telling your story on social media?

Danita Evangeline White

My name is Danita Evangeline White. I am a social media content creator, coordinator, and manager based in electric North TX.

When I am not creating social content, managing social content, or scrolling through social content, I am either:

1) Cooking, eating, or drinking

2) Traveling or thinking about traveling

3) Pursuing some new adventurous activity

Please feel free to reach out if you have questions or just want to connect in general. I'd love to swap stories!